Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Liebster Award

Yesterday I found out that Jana of Small Town, Big Smile nominated me for a Liebster Award :) Thank you so, so much, Jana - this really made me excited. From what I can gather, the Liebster Award is an award to pass on to other bloggers and share the love with those who may be less well-known. There are so many great blogs out there, and it seems like a great way to highlight more blogs. 

Here are the rules for being nominated:
1. thank the person who gave you the award and link their blog.
2. copy and paste the award to your blog.
3. present the award to five others who you think deserve it (who have less than 200 followers).
4. let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. have faith that your nominees will spread the love too.

My nominees are as follows:
1. "Welcome to the Moon" from Mileva and Elsa 
2. Danielle from Tongue Tied in Awe 
3. Jenny from Jeneric Generation 
4. Kelli from Chronicles of She
5. Rhi and Lauren from She Dressed in Black

Please check out these lovely blogs, and thanks again Jana :) 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mild Mint Obsession

The color mint has obviously been one of the latest fashion trends, and I must say that I love it! To be sure, I don't follow every trend that comes along, as I think it's important to wear things that you like and that look good on you. But I think I love mint because a) it's a pretty color that I never really thought much about wearing and b) I think it suits me well. Thus, this spring I've slowly been adding mint into my wardrobe and currently have two mint shirts including this one (you can see my other one in my last post),  a mint dress and nail polish.

Outfit details: Shirt - Francesca's Collections; Jeans - AE
Shoes - Kohls; Hair flower - Rue 21
I may not be particularly original for wearing mint (today alone two of the ladies whose blogs I read daily, Little Tree Vintage and Scathingly Brilliant, are sporting mint) - but it's definitely a color that I'm a fan of :)

I haven't started my new job yet, unfortunately, and am trying to keep some semblance of routine going even though I don't have much to do at all.
It may sound nice not to have much to do, but it's hard not to be quite bored and worried at my lack of income. I've tried to do as much as I can (that doesn't cost much if anything). I've worked out every day this week at my school's rec center, which is free, and also read 2.5 books since school has ended. I'm doing my best to keep up a positive outlook for this summer!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

summers, moving, and goals (aka the smorgasbord blog post)

Hi friends! Just wanted to say hello and say that I still plan on blogging even though I took an unofficial break for a bit. This past month was busy with end-of-the-semester activities like studying for finals and writing papers and then a move. I had to move out of my dorm about a week and a half ago, so I packed up all of my belongings into my car. I am staying around my college town this summer where I will be working, but I couldn't move into my new place immediately. As a result, I was a bit of gypsy, moving around with my belongings in my car until my house was available. I stayed with my roommate's family for a few days before going back home to visit my family briefly. This week, however, I drove back and have been settling in to my lovely place where I am living for the summer with a friend. 

I am feeling cautiously optimistic about this summer. I tend to actually not like summers a great deal, as I have often had jobs that I don't love and tend to get bored. Last summer was especially not great, other than the couple of weeks that I spent in Italy, so I decided it was time for a change and planned to stay in my college town. I have a number of friends who will be around, at least for portions of the summer, so I don't think I will get too lonely. Additionally, I have a lot of little goals for myself that will hopefully keep my busy. I want to work out more than I did during the school year and cook lots of healthy food. I want to read books and write for fun. I would also definitely like to do more with this blog, focusing on consistency and more variety. I also hope to have some other little adventures, even though I don't have a big trip planned like last year. 

What are some of your summer plans or goals? 
Outfit details: Shirt - Ruche; Shorts - UO;
Shoes - Blowfish via Ross; Leggings - ? 

Here's a peak at my new bedroom :)