Sunday, January 23, 2011


As I mentioned in my last post, I have encountered an unexpected difficulty since coming back to college. The past week and a half have been pretty emotionally difficult for me. I consider myself pretty good at keeping my feelings to myself (although this may not be very healthy), but apparently I was just too upset not to show it. Other than journalling and writing about it on my private blog, I had not told anyone about the issue. This weekend, however, I have been able to talk about it to several of my friends, which has helped it so much. I was able to talk on the phone to two of my friends at home, and they were very encouraging. Even after our conversation, one of them sent me a message online to remind me that she is always there to listen. When I told my roommate about it, she not only listened but also suggested that on the days when I am particularly having a difficult time that we do something together to take my mind off it. Even though I know that it's not going to be easy to get through this, I really do feel better knowing that I am blessed with wonderful friends who are willing to listen to me and help me through this.
I am most definitely an introvert and need my "alone time," but I also know that I have a tendency to kind of retreat inside myself when I am upset about something. Often I journal about my feelings, but probably I do not open up enough with others. Even though writing is the main way that I express my emotion, I know that talking to a listening ear is also often important. This weekend has reminded me that I am not alone in my situation and that opening up to others can be a valuable source of encouragement.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


            Every semester in college is a little bit different – or sometimes very different. Most likely we have expectations for each semester, whether they are positive or negative. I have seen some of my friends face bitter disappointment when a semester did not live up to their expectations. When things do not go the way we anticipate, it is tempting to feel overwhelmed when unwelcome surprises come our way.
            Coming back to school this semester, I had a “good feeling.” It was just a hunch, but I really felt as if this could be a great semester and even felt especially positive about my future in general. I still have hope that this semester can be good. I have, however, encountered an unexpected difficulty – and I really didn’t see it coming. I can see no way of avoiding it and am not entirely certain of what I can do to make the situation better.
            Finally after reading a Facebook note, it occurred to me that even though this situation was a total surprise for me, God knew it was going to happen. That doesn’t mean it will be easy but it does give me comfort. I need to keep reminding myself that I have no idea what is going to happen in the future, but God does. It’s so simple yet so easy to forget. I’m just thankful that nothing surprises God or takes Him off guard.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Least of These Brothers of Mine

Tonight I had the opportunity not only to listen to some extremely talented musicians but also to help the Invisible Children club on my college campus with a small concert. Invisible Children is a club that I love to support, and I have been to several of their events over the last year and a half. I may have only been able to contribute in a small way tonight in helping them set up for the concert, but I was glad to do what I could because I really appreciate the what the club tries to do in raising awareness about the war in Uganda and raising money to help those people.
I tend to get caught up in myself and forget about those around world who have many needs. Invisible Children reminds me not to forget about those whom Jesus called “the least of these brothers of mine” in Matthew 25. These are the people who tend to be forgotten but have real needs like hunger and sickness, or in the case of Uganda, the terrors of war. It’s easy to ignore their needs because these people live so far away and their situation seems so distant. Jesus, however, tells us that when we help those in need, the ones who others forget about,  we are doing it for Him. It may not seem as if the situation in Uganda is our problem, but when we do not help those in need, it is as if we are refusing to help Jesus Himself. We are to help even the stranger who has no relation to ourselves. Tonight’s event reminded me of these verses and challenged me not to forget those in need.